Accessibility and Facilities for the Hearing Impaired
Ewell Hall aims to provide facilities suitable for the use and enjoyment of everyone.
Access to the hall by the double main doors includes a low single step easily accessed by a wheelchair and helper. Full step-less access to the hall is also available via the alternative entrance. The hall, kitchen, serving area, toilets and other areas are all on the same level within the building providing full access to all.
Ewell Hall Main Entrance Single Step Main Fire Exit with Step Free Access
The disabled toilet is spacious and provides ample room to manoeuvre a wheelchair or other mobility aids. An emergency call alarm is fitted within the disabled toilet. A baby changing unit is also fitted in the disabled toilet.
Ample Space to Manoeuvre Disabled Toilet and Sink Baby Changing Unit in Disabled Toilet
For those with hearing impairment our sound system includes a hearing induction loop that can carry output from the wireless or wired microphones or output streamed via Bluetooth from your phone, tablet or laptop. The hearing loop may be used independently or together with the hall’s speakers.
Wired and Wireless Microphones Hearing Loop Amplifier and Antenna for Bluetooth Streaming